NUM | First Name | Last Name | Registrants | Registration Date | Home Club | Registration Status |
41 | John | Wilman | 1 | Fri, 09-22-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
42 | John | Wilman | 4 | Fri, 10-06-2023 | Paid | |
43 | Sue | Sullivan | 1 | Thu, 09-21-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
44 | Bill | Peskoff | 1 | Thu, 09-21-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
45 | Katen | Moore | 1 | Thu, 09-21-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
46 | Neil | Sullivan | 1 | Thu, 09-21-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
47 | Neil | Sullivan | 4 | Sun, 10-15-2023 | Paid | |
48 | Spence | DiNicolantonio | 1 | Tue, 09-19-2023 | Jersey Pinelands | Paid |
49 | Afshan | Miller | 1 | Tue, 09-19-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
50 | Drew | Gaudet | 1 | Tue, 09-19-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
51 | Dan | Putnam | 1 | Tue, 09-19-2023 | Jersey Pinelands | Paid |
52 | Dan | Putnam | 4 | Thu, 10-05-2023 | Paid | |
53 | Beverly | Wiedemann | 1 | Mon, 09-18-2023 | Plainfield Curling Club | Paid |
54 | Maria | Eswine | 1 | Mon, 09-18-2023 | Plainfield Curling Club | Paid |
55 | John | Wiedemann | 1 | Mon, 09-18-2023 | Plainfield Curling Club | Paid |
56 | Rick | Eswine | 1 | Mon, 09-18-2023 | Plianfield Curling Club | Paid |
57 | Beverly | Wiedemann | 4 | Fri, 10-06-2023 | Paid | |
58 | Michael | West | 1 | Sun, 09-17-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
59 | Bill | Grzybowski | 1 | Sun, 09-17-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
60 | Craig | Ingwer | 1 | Sun, 09-17-2023 | Plainfield | Paid |
League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.
Plainfield Curling Club is New Jersey’s original curling club and only dedicated curling facility. The home of good people, good times, good curling, Plainfield Curling Club is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to fostering the sport and spirit of curling.