We offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 8, 108 or somewhere in-between, Plainfield Curling Club is sure to have a league suitable for you.
Half Season League
This league for those members curling in a league for 1/2 of the curling season. Please select this league if you plan on either curling in the 1st half of the curling season or the 2nd half of the curling season only. The league coordinator will assign you to the agreed upon league that you will curl in.
Saturday Morning Mixed Doubles
Mixed Doubles League Rules 2024-2025:
1. We follow the WCF Mixed Doubles Curling rules (attached for reference - R17 covers Mixed Doubles), with the exception of Subs (see # 2 below).
2. Rescheduling games and Subs: If a team cannot play their game per the schedule for whatever reason, please notify the other team. You should try and arrange rescheduling the game with the other team within a 2 week period utilizing the open “bye” sheet, but if that’s not possible, please arrange a Sub to complete the game as scheduled, or as a makeup game within the 2 week makeup period. We allow open subs, i.e. it can be any gender and the Sub team does not need to be male-female. If the game can’t be played within a 2 week period of its scheduled date with either a sub(s) or a mutually agreed to makeup date (with an allowance for Holiday and Bonspiel weekends), the team that was short the player, forfeits the game. If both teams were short a player(s), both forfeit and the game will be scored as a tie. Please notify me about any makeup dates and I will update Curling Club Manager.
3. Games should start on time, played 8 ends, and finish in 90 minutes. Per WCF Rule R12.i, if a team is late, the other team receives a point for each 15 minutes the game is delayed up to 30 minutes/2points; thereafter the game is forfeited. The first draw should start promptly at 9:00AM. In the first draw, a new end cannot begin after 10:20AM, and the same for 12:00PM for the second draw. This provides 15 minutes to complete the last end of the game, which should be more than sufficient. The first draw game should end promptly at 10:30AM, and the second draw game should begin promptly at 10:40AM (this allows 10 minutes in between games for pebbling/nipping). The second draw game should end promptly at 12:10PM. Adhering to timely games ensures fairness and enjoyment for all. Note that only the wall clock time matters (assuming its’s correct - otherwise the teams need to reference some other correct time keeping device).
4. It is the responsibility of the winning team to record the game results on the Club website within 24 hours of game completion. League standings will be based on 3 points for win, 1 point each for a tie, 0 for loss.