The P.C.C. Stone Bonspiel

The P.C.C. Stone Bonspiel


Our annual men’s cashspiel, named after Peter C. Christofferson, the father of one of the club’s founding members, Ken Christofferson.



  • Friday night features “Endless Appetizers”
  • Saturday Night Steak Dinner
  • Leads Competition
  • $440 rink fee


**IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ**  All registrants will initially be placed on a Waitlist.  Once registration closes, if there are more than (20) teams, a lottery will be conducted to determine the teams that have been selected.  If your team is selected, you will receive an email to make payment.

Event Properties

Event Start Date 03-10-2022 6:00 pm
Event End Date 03-13-2022 4:00 pm
Registration End Date 02-13-2022 11:55 pm
Registered 65 [View List]
Individual Price Entry Fee: $440/team
Fixed group price $440.00
Location Plainfield Curling Club
Categories Bonspiel

We are no longer accepting registration for this event